Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Critical Lens Essay About Truth Essays

Critical Lens Essay About Truth Essays Critical Lens Essay About Truth Essay Critical Lens Essay About Truth Essay The Quote the truth is often unpopular by Dalai Stevenson means that many people like to lie to the others, it is easier to lie because truth can hurt t he people. In case like tragic news people would like to lie because they do not w ant to hurt other people with this kind of news. Two works of literature that sup the quote are the cask of amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe and the tigers heart by Jim Glared. The cask of amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe is about Two characters Montenegro and Fortunate, Montenegro wants to get his revenge because he had en insulted by Fortunate. One example of lying in the story would be when Mentors smiles and talks nicely to Fortunate but inside he wants to get revenge. It is through the authors use of foreshadowing that Montenegro kills Fortunate in a damp vault. Mentors finds Fortunate weaknesses to use t hat against him. Mentors lies to Mentors to manipulate him. Mentors us vine to make Fortunate more drunk, it foreshadows me that Montenegro wan TTS to kill him immediately so Fortunate would not know about his plans. This Novel supports the quote because it tells how characters lies to the other character until the day that he would get revenge. The tigers heart by Jim Glared is about person who lives in a dangerous village and the only person who has a gun in there and his name is Epee Garcia One example of lying in the story is when Epee kill the tiger with machete but does not want other people to know about it. Furthermore, by pulling out ma chute from tiger and shoot to wound to show that he killed a tiger with gun. It is thru cough the authors use of conflict that.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Qué es el programa de Comunidades Seguras

Quà © es el programa de Comunidades Seguras Comunidades Seguras es un programa del gobierno federal de colaboracià ³n con autoridades locales y estatales para identificar inmigrantes para proceder a su remocià ³n inmediata de los Estados Unidos o al inicio de un procedimiento de deportacià ³n. Las razones por las que el migrante puede verse en ese problema pueden ser variadas, desde estar en el paà ­s como indocumentado a haber cometido violaciones migratorias o delitos o  faltas penales. En este artà ­culo se explica cà ³mo funciona este programa, por quà © tiene fieros defensores y crà ­ticos, cul es la relacià ³n de Comunidades Seguras con las ciudades santuario y quà © se puede hacer. Cmo funciona el programa Comunidades Seguras El funcionamiento es realmente sencillo. En Estados Unidos cuando una persona es arrestada o detenida se le toman las huellas digitales, conocidas en algunos paà ­ses como dactilares. A continuacià ³n esa informacià ³n se le envà ­a al FBI. El FBI las compara contra varias bases de datos, por ejemplo, IAFIS, donde estn fichadas personas con pasado delictivo. Adems, las compara con bases de datos de otras agencias como IDENT, del Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) en la que se guarda toda la informacià ³n disponible sobre inmigrantes, sobre criminales y sobre personas consideradas terroristas o sospechosas de serlo. Asimismo, tambià ©n se comparan esas huellas dactilares con la base de datos  de los oficiales de migracià ³n, como por ejemplo US-VISIT, con las que controlan los  pasos fronterizos terrestres, puertos y aeropuertos. Si el resultado es que la persona es inmigrante y tiene rà ©cord criminal o una orden de deportacià ³n pendiente o se sospecha que est en el paà ­s ilegalmente entonces se considera que se produce un  ¨hit ¨. Aclarar que se puede creer que una persona est como indocumentada tanto porque no aparece rà ©cord de su ingreso legal y se cree que es extranjera o porque es evidente que ingresà ³ legalmente pero no ha salido a tiempo.   Si se produce ese  ¨hit ¨, es decir, una coincidencia de interà ©s para Inmigracià ³n, entonces el FBI lo notifica tanto a la autoridad que tiene a la persona arrestada o detenida como al Centro de Apoyo para el Cumplimiento de la Ley (LESC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que es un departamento dentro de ICE. A partir de ahà ­, ICE analiza la situacià ³n y decide, segà ºn lo que considere prioritario, quà © hacer. Puede decidir emitir un detainer, tambià ©n conocido como hold. Esto quiere decir que se solicita que se retenga al detenido por 48 horas ms a partir del dà ­a que deba ser liberado, con el objetivo de darle tiempo al ICE de hacerse cargo. En ese plazo de 48 horas no se incluyen sbados, domingos ni feriados. Adems, en la actualidad los detainer van acompaà ±ados de una orden (warrant, por su nombre en inglà ©s), que pueden ser de dos clases: para remocià ³n/deportacià ³n o para arresto. A partir de ahà ­, si la autoridad que recibe el detainer decide cumplirlo, entregar al detenido a las autoridades migratorias, que segà ºn el caso, procedern a su deportacià ³n inmediata o iniciarn  un procedimiento judicial de deportacià ³n. Argumentos a favor y en contra de Comunidades Seguras Los defensores de este programa consideran que es una gran herramienta para deportar a migrantes, particularmente los que tienen un historial como  criminales violentos.   Sin embargo, un estudio de Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse de la Universidad de Syracuse argumenta que en la actualidad no hay datos pà ºblicos de cuntos detainers se emiten y que no est nada claro cuntos son causa de deportacià ³n. Es ms, aseguran que solamente un porcentaje mà ­nimo de las deportaciones tienen su origen en un detainer emitido dentro del marco de Comunidades Seguras. Entre los argumentos en contra de Comunidades Seguras se citan, entre otros, que rompe la confianza entre la policà ­a y la comunidad y hace que muchos delitos no se reporten. Adems, se afirma que da lugar a la deportacià ³n elevada de inmigrantes con rà ©cord criminal limpio, cuyo à ºnico problema es que estn en el paà ­s como indocumentados. Finalmente, tambià ©n se aduce que Comunidades Seguras es un gasto excesivo para las municipalidades. Lo cierto es que este programa ha tenido un historial conflictivo. Fue creado en el aà ±o 2008 por el presidente George W. Bush en el condado de Harris en Texas y de ahà ­ se extendià ³ progresivamente por todo el paà ­s, incluidos sus territorios como por ejemplo Puerto Rico, bajo el mandato de Obama. Bajo ese presidente se establecieron prioridades en su aplicacià ³n y, finalmente, se suspendià ³ su aplicacià ³n. Sin embargo, la llegada de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca supuso su activacià ³n mediante orden ejecutiva del 25 de enero de 2017. En la actualidad sigue siendo un programa muy criticado, que causa miedo entre la comunidad migrante y que ha dado lugar a oposicià ³n de municipios e incluso estados en la forma de lo que se conoce como ciudades santuario. Qu son las ciudades santuario y cmo se relacionan con el programa Comunidades Seguras Uno de los temas migratorios ms controvertidos y debatidos en los Estados Unidos es el de las ciudades santuario, a las que sus crà ­ticos acusan de no cumplir con las leyes migratorias.   Para entender este asunto lo primero es saber de quà © realmente se est hablando. Hay que partir de que no hay una definicià ³n legal de lo que es una ciudad santuario, pero puede entenderse como tal a aquella  jurisdiccià ³n -estado, condado o ciudad, que limita su colaboracià ³n con las autoridades federales en materia de inmigracià ³n. Ese là ­mite puede estar declarado pà ºblicamente o puede ser algo que simplemente ocurre, es decir, es un asunto informal. En cuanto a las formas que puede tomar la falta de colaboracià ³n, à ©stas pueden ser muy variadas. Por ejemplo, la prohibicià ³n de que un funcionario pà ºblico municipal pregunte sobre el estatus migratorio de una persona. Otro ejemplo comà ºn es el de no compartir informacià ³n sobre datos en los que conste la situacià ³n de indocumentado de un migrante como es el caso de la Ciudad de Nueva York que no comparte lo que sabe sobre los solicitantes del I.D. de la ciudad. Pero quiz el ejemplo ms conocido y el que levanta ms crà ­ticas y que est directamente relacionado con el programa de Comunidades Seguras  es el de no cumplir con las peticiones de deteiners que emite el ICE solicitando a otra jurisdiccià ³n que retenga, por un plazo de 48 horas, a un migrante que tiene arrestado o detenido por otro asunto no relacionado con temas migratorios. Algunas ciudades santuario incumplen los deteiners siempre mientras que otras los ejecutan cuando el objeto del deteiner es un inmigrante con un delito en su rà ©cord.   En la actualidad, segà ºn el Inmigrant Legal Resource Center, hay ms de 300 jurisdicciones que en algà ºn grado pueden ser consideradas como ciudades santuario y han sido amenazadas con la retirada de fondos federales, en particular de subvenciones del Departamento de Justicia. Sin embargo, no es seguro de que se pueda aplicar este castigo y en la fecha en la que se escribe este artà ­culo est inmerso en una batalla legal de la que se desconoce cà ³mo puede finalizar. Qu se puede hacer Lo cierto es que estamos viviendo una à ©poca que causa gran ansiedad entre la comunidad migrante. Los residentes permanentes deberà ­an considerar convertirse en ciudadanos mediante naturalizacià ³n y evitar cualquier tipo de problemas que pueden dar lugar a su deportacià ³n. Los extranjeros con visa deben conocer los tà ©rminos de la misma y evitar violaciones migratorias. Y en cuanto a los migrantes indocumentados deben informarse sobre si existe alguna posibilidad real para arreglar su situacià ³n, deben conocer sus derechos si son parados por la autoridad y no mostrar ninguna documentacià ³n que pueda dar lugar a revelar que estatus, como por ejemplo la matrà ­cula consular. Finalmente, es siempre aconsejable que tengan a mano el telà ©fono de un abogado migratorio u organizacià ³n de apoyo a inmigrantes de confianza para comunicarse en el caso de problemas. Estar informados es siempre la mejor arma para estar preparados, defender los derechos que se tienen y evitar ser và ­ctimas de fraude por parte de personas inescrupulosas que toman ventaja de la situacià ³n de miedo en la que muchos migrantes viven en la actualidad. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso en particular.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Astronomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Astronomy - Essay Example Astronomical units are used for any measurement which has a certain reasonable length that humans can attain or reach. Light-years are usually reserved for objects too far away to ever be reached by one human’s lifetime. Stellar magnitude is the size and direction of a star. This is basically the star’s displacement. The difference between absolute and apparent magnitudes is that absolute magnitudes are fixed, real-time figures of information—whereas apparent magnitudes are just estimates based on what the human eye can see. That is the difference between the two phrases. Hipparchus originally drew his magnitude scale using very rudimentary calculations and tools. Today’s astronomers have modified it slightly by using more advanced techniques and a much more modern approach to the magnitude scale. Now, physics students all over use the magnitude scale developed by today’s most advanced and talented scientists. A. Compare the Ptolemaic and Copernican models of the universe. State the main tenet of each theory; how they are alike or different, what evidence each used to support the ideas, and how each explained the retrograde motion of the inner planets. (150 words)†¨ The Ptolemaic model of the universe stated that the universe revolved around the earth. Copernican theory stated that the model of the universe which was correct basically involved the universe revolving around the sun. They are both alike in the fact that both models involved the universe revolving around something—it was just that Ptolemy got it wrong. The evidence that Ptolemy used to support his claim was basically, he didn’t have evidence. It was by royal decree that the ruler in power wanted the earth to be the center of the universe. The evidence Copernicus used to show that the earth revolved around the sun was the entity of the eclipse—showing that the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Strategic Management Practice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Strategic Management Practice - Assignment Example The strategic management practice has been analyzed with respect to the operations of the Virgin Trains. This required an analysis of the external and internal environment of Virgin Trains. The external analysis has been carried out using the theoretical frameworks of PESTEL and Porter’s Five Forces. The internal analysis takes into consideration the availability of resources and the core competencies of the company. This analysis has helped in addressing the strategic issues faced by the organization. The strategic management practice has helped the company to design an appropriate course of action in order to attain the organizational goals. The strategies also include monitoring of the performance of the company and address the gaps on a continuous basis using a balanced scorecard to achieve the goal of the organisation. Introduction The report involves an application of the strategic management practice in case of Virgin Trains Company of UK. The background information on Virgin Trains has been presented below along with the theoretical framework of strategic management practice in organizations. Company Background: Virgin Trains Company Virgin Trains Company is jointly owned by the Virgin Group and the Stagecoach. Virgin Group holds the majority share with 51% stake in the company whereas Stagecoach holds a share of 49% in the company. The company has been providing train services in the Intercity West Coast region for the last 16 years since 1997. The company operates and provide long distance passenger train services in the routes of western part of UK. The trains run from the areas of Greater London towards the stations of North West England, West Midlands, Scotland and North Wales. The train services of the company cater to a cumulative population of 18 million people in various cities of UK. The various cities connected by the train services of the Virgin Train Company are London, Manchester, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, etc (Virgin, 2013). The Virgin Group was awarded to own the operations of the Intercity West Coast in 1997 after beating Stagecoach and Sea Container. In 1998, the Virgin Group sold 49% of its stake to Stagecoach. After getting the contract to run passenger train services from London to the western parts of UK through the Intercity West Coast franchisee, Virgin Trains implemented its work of upgrading the rail tracks and networks in the western coast so that the train speed could be increased to 140 miles per hour. However, due to the suspension of the contracts by the management and subsequent cash outflows for the planned project, the up-gradation work was reduced to attain a speed of 125 miles per hour. In 2005, the first stage of up-gradation work was completed and the Virgin group published its train time table with the frequency matching speed of 125 miles per hour. The subsequent development work for the rail networks in the western coast was continued by the Virgin Rail Group and in 2009; the n ew high frequency timetable for

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Riding the Black Cockatoo & Company Sin Representation Essay Example for Free

Riding the Black Cockatoo Company Sin Representation Essay Words are powerful tools that can be used to represent people and shape opinions about others. In a similar way, certain actions and our treatment of other cultures demonstrate our understandings and acceptance of, different beliefs and cultures. Two texts that support these statements and include representations of Indigenous Australian culture and beliefs are: ‘Riding the Black Cockatoo’ by John Danalis and ‘Company Sin’ by John Butler Trio. John Danalis wrote a captivating novel about his journey towards righting the wrongs his family committed, by returning an Indigenous skull that was kept on his family’s mantelpiece. Throughout his writing, John portrays the sense of oneness towards the land of the Indigenous community and his need to come to terms with all the connections he never knew existed. ‘Company Sin’ symbolises a young man’s ignorance and indifference towards the Indigenous culture. Ben naively participates in a mining company’s desecration of an Indigenous Australian burial site. The words in the song portray his struggle with dreams and what these dreams actually embody. Symbolic use of words and language creates vivid images of the song and novel in the audience’s minds. Through representations in the text readers have been positioned to perceive qualities of Indigenous Australian’s heritage, spirituality and their relationship with mother earth. In ‘Riding the Black Cockatoo’, words and language are used purposefully to demonstrate the significance of returning Indigenous Australian’s bones to the tribal elders for burial. Danalis realises through his journey of reconciliation that for Indigenous Australians, the disturbance or non-burial of bones means that a soul remains in a state of unrest. Current generations know that it is their spiritual duty to ensure that bones are returned â€Å"home†, to the earth. Danalis begins to realise that Indigenous Australians â€Å"†¦feel death very differently to white folk.† The handover of the skull is significant for both Danalis and the Indigenous people. The Indigenous community worked with Danalis and did not condemn him for what his family had done with the skull. They even included them in the ceremony and both â€Å"sides† working through some sensitive issues, with the common aim of returning â€Å"Mary† to the rightful place †¦ the earth. The Indigenous community led Danalis through a learning process about the â€Å"rights† of their ancestors and the need for the land to be a central part of their spirituality. With this, the land is positioned to be the sacred resting place for those who have passed on. The relationship Danalis developed with the Indigenous community and being invited to participate in the ritual ceremony, gave him an insight into Indigenous cultural traditions. Indigenous Australian culture believes that when a person dies, their spirit goes back to the ancestral land, when the correct ceremonial rituals are conducted. This ceremony encompasses many traditions for the clan, such as: the cloak of possum fur and the Yorta Yorta song man making a Cockatoo cry: â€Å"We waited ‘KAR-AAK’ †¦ There was a clack-clack of clapping sticks, and then another ‘KAR-AAK!’ †¦ His black cockatoo cries cascaded down the stairwells, echoed off overhead walkway escarpments and bounced through the air-conditioning ducts.† This linkage of nature connotes Indigenous Australian’s strong connections of culture with land. It shows they treat nature with full respect and incorporate it into their lives. Ceremonial objects specific for the ceremonies come from the land. Danalis describes Bob when requiring a smoking bowl, called a coolamon and not having one there, saying: â€Å"I’ll make one†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bob finds the bark needed, pulls it off and makes the bowl. This demonstrates their strong reliance on nature. Through his description of this event, Danalis was sure that they would have to go without a bowl for the ceremony and was surprised by Bob’s actions, in being able to create what they needed from the land. Indigenous Australians do not own the land. They see it as part of them and that it is their duty to respect and look after their mother earth. They use the land to live on, to gain food from, to make items they need and then to return their ancestors to the earth, when they pass on. This is a different concept to the culture White Australians have grown up with. Danalis has to explore his own prejudices and realises that he lives in a nation with some, who are trying to come to terms with both heritages, cultures and beliefs. Indigenous Australians bury their ancestors on what average Australians see as prime land, where profits could be made from farming or mining. Indigenous Australians do this, as they believe they can: â€Å"†¦enter the spirit world and become one with their mother†¦ the Earth†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Calling the earth their Mother, solidifies Indigenous Australian’s strong connectivity of their spiritual heritage with the land. This is something that White Australians do not have in their heritage. The Indigenous people care for and love the earth they live on. They have a spiritual connection to it, not just a physical one. Simply, this is not part of how White Australians view the land and it is not part of their heritage.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Toumai, The Oldest Relative of the Human Race Essay example -- Anthrop

Toumai, The Oldest Relative of the Human Race Discoveries relating to the human lineage are extremely exciting and often baffling. This is the case with the recent discovery of what seems to be the oldest member of the human family. A skull found in northern Chad in 2001, has been deemed the earliest relative to the human ever found. Nicknamed Toumai, and discovered by Michel Brunet and his paleontology team, this new category of human has been given the scientific name, Sahelanthropus tchaensis. What makes this skull so definitive is the fact that it dates back approximately 6-7 million years in the earth’s history (Whitfield 2002). Since the discovery there have been anthropologists and paleontologists that have disputed the hominid status of Toumai (Evans 2002), but many, especially those involved in the finding of the skull still believe that they have the oldest relative to the human race we know today. The kind of attention that comes from discovering a fossil that may challenge pre-existing notions of human lineage is massive. When the findings were first published in â€Å"Nature† and â€Å"Science†, scientific journals, the news spread like wildfire and every news source from ABC to the BBC had the story covered. A discovery of this magnitude is highly important considering it can alter thoughts about the beginnings of the human line and cause an uproar in the science community in terms of the way human evolution is looked at. BBC News was one of the sources that covered this story when the discovery was made. Their primary article stated, â€Å"Scientists say it is the most important discovery in the search for the origins of humankind since the first Australopithecus ‘ape-man’ remains were found in Africa i... ...s. Toumaà ¯, the ancestor of the human ones.,1-0%402-3328,36-331868,0.html    Evans, Mark., 2002, Ancient Skull’s Species in Dispute. Philadelphia Inquirer.    Gibbons, Ann., 2002, One Scientists Quest for The Origin of our Species. Science, v. 298.    Meek, James., 2002, Monkey or Man? Toumai hailed as our oldest ancestor, is stirring ancient scientific rivalries. Guardian News,,3604,808955,00.html    Noble, Ivan., 2002, Astonishing Skull Unearthed in Africa. BBC News,    Whitfield, John., 2002, Oldest Member of Human Family Found. Nature, Science Update,   

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Innovation and Change Management

| Companies that successfully innovate also successfully manage change | INNOVATION & CHANGE MANAGEMENT MHN221935-12-A| Malgorzata Glowacka S0915718 International Tourism & Hospitality Enterprise | Innovation and change management have been and continues to be an important study on a number of levels. It plays significant part in economic growth as well as it is vital for firms’ survival and development. New ideas, new approaches and new products become critical guidelines in organisational strategy, especially for managers and business leaders.According to The Boston Consulting Group (2010) employers’ ranked innovation as a strategic priority with 26% citing it as a top priority and a further 45% ranking it as a top-three priority. Organisations such as Apple or Google adapted this tactic and thanks to their right management of change, now are recognized as one of the most revolutionizing and prosperous companies in the world (Business Week, 2010). It proves that succe ssfully innovating companies are the winners and they play major role in industry market.Therefore, this essay aims to critically evaluate the connection between innovation and change management. The term of innovation is hard to define as it can mean different things for different people. According to Druker (1985) innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit changes as an opportunity. West and Farr (1990) pointed out that organizational innovation can be characterized as a tangible product, process or procedure within company and something what is new to the social setting within which it is introduced although not necessarily new to the individual introducing it.They also exanimated innovation being more intentional rather than accidental, mainly aimed at producing benefit to the organization. Traditional categorizations of innovations divide them into four types (Tidd and Bessant, 2010, Fig1): -product innovation can be a change in the functi on or feature of a product such as Window Vista replacing XP. This kind of innovation is intended to improve the function of the offering to make sales more likely -process innovation is based on transformations in the ways products/ services are created and delivered like for e. g. nline banking system which allows customers to manage their finance. This kind of invention introduces new, or significantly improved, method for production or delivery of output that adds value and better performance -position innovation target changes in market or customer base for a product or service. This kind of strategy change meaning of a product in customer’s eyes like for e. g. four-wheel cars which originally were used for off road work became fashionable family car -paradigm innovations are based on changes in how companies frame what they do; for e. . Air Canada (the largest airline of Canada with scheduled and charter air transport) launched a discount, new low-cost international car rier in Vancouver (The Globe & Mail,2012) Fig 1. Types of innovation. Adapted from Tidd and Bessant, 2010 Innovations are often classified as either radical or incremental (Gallouj and Weinstein, 1997). Radical innovations are generally based on a big change in development that modifies the competitive market and it may results in new markets and product opportunities.Good example of radical innovation is Apple with their first PC Lisa which had graphical interface. The innovation, despite its limited success, was universally recognised as being far ahead of the competition and it took years for some of the advanced features of its operating system to be incorporated in competitors’ operating system (Rayna and Striukova, 2009). An incremental innovation is a term used when there was a minor change to an existing technology like for e. g. in case of Apple and their iPod.MP3 players had been present in the market before Apple introduced iPod but the company still succeed becaus e they made better product, which was easier to use, looked more solid and more appealing compared to other MP3 players (Rayna and Striukova, 2009). Organizational change, like innovation, is hard to specify. It can be described as any alternation or modification, which occurs in the overall work environment of an organization. Moran and Brightman (2000) defined it as the process of continually renewing an organization’s direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changing needs of external and internal customers.It tend to focus on the management of formally planned changes and it is indicating a macro- level approach, which is concerned with organisation as a whole (King and Anderson, 2002). Due its complexity, many researchers categorised organizational change in different ways, for e. g. Pettigrew (1987) separated it into strategic and non-strategic change while Goodstein and Warner (1995) divided it into incremental and radical change. However the starting p oint for discussing variations of change is Grundy’s (1993) three variations of change. The first, smooth incremental change changes slowly in a systematic and predicable way.The second variety of change Grundy terms ‘bumpy incremental change’. This is characterized by periods of relative calmness disrupted by rushing in the pace of change. Grundy’s third variety of change is ‘discontinuous change’, which he defines as ‘change which is marked by rapid shifts in strategy, structure or culture, or in all three’. There are several drivers and models which clarify the need for change. Most of them are grouped into external drivers or internal drivers (Proehl, 2001). External are those forces that are outside the organization, usually it is an economic, political, socio-cultural or technological driver.The internal drivers are those forces within the organization, which may include finance, limited skill level of employees, changes in leadership etc. Another example, presented by Anderson and Ackerman Anderson (2001) describes seven main drivers of change, which move from what is external (environment, marketplace, organization) to what is internal (culture and people). This model mainly focuses on leaders and management role as they are clearly more aware of external domains and thy play the most important part in internal domains.This is their job to implement any changes in culture, behaviour and mind-set within their company and if they will fail in that, the change will also fail. It can be assumed then, that change is about innovation and innovation is about change. Williams (2006) stated that to successfully manage innovation, company need to be good at managing source of innovation and managing innovation during discontinuous and incremental change. Once again Apple is the perfect example of company effectively handling innovation and change at the same time. They do it for e. g. y managing leadership wit hin organization. Tidd and Bessant (2005) noted that leadership strongly influences the success of change and innovation. For Apple the key role in the company played Steve Jobs and his visionary leadership: My passion has been to build an enduring company where people were motivated to make great products. Everything else was secondary. Sure, it was great to make a profit, because that was what allowed you to make great products. But the products, not the profits, were the motivation. Sculley flipped these priorities to where the goal was to make money.It’s a subtle difference, but it ends up meaning everything—the people you hire, who gets promoted, what you discuss in meetings. Isaacson, 2012 According to Hughes (2006) leading change is fundamentally about influencing groups and individuals, therefore leaders of change need to understand people. And that is what Jobs could do. He understood that customers don’t know what they want until it is shown to them. H e implemented among his employees the desire of perfect design as to him ‘’†¦nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is a fundamental soul’’ (Isaacson, 2012).To conclude, the concept of innovation and change is fundamental to business success. It is viewed as being extremely important for company survival and future development. Organisations such as Apple can prove the point that companies which successfully innovate also successfully manage change. References Anderson, D. , Ackerman Anderson, L. , 2001. Beyond Change Management: Advanced Strategies for Today's Transformational Leaders. USA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer Drucker, P. F. , 1985. Innovation and entrepreneurship: practice and principles. New York: Harper ; Row Gallouj, F. , Weinstein, O. , 1997. Innovation in services.Research Policy 26, 537–556 Goodstein, L. D. and Warner, W. , 1995. Creating Successful Organization Change. In: Managing Organizational Change. Warner (e d. ). pp. 7-9. New York: American Management Association Grundy, T. , 1993. Implementing Strategic Change. London: Kogan Page Harsh, P. , 2011. Organizational Change. India: Dorling Kindersley Hughes, M. , 2006. Change Management: A critical perspective. CIPD. King, N. , Anderson, N. , 2002. Managing Innovation and Change: A Critical Guide for Organizations. Singapore: Seng Lee Press Isaacson, W. , 2012. The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs. [online] Available from: http://www. atheeqa. com/App_Themes/watheeqa/pdf/The%20Real%20Leadership%20Lessons%20of%20Steve%20Jobs%20-%20HBR%20l%20Apr-2012. pdf [Accessed 15th October] Moran, J, W. , Brighman, B. K. , 2000. Leading organizational change. In: Journal of Workplace Learning: Employee Counselling Today Vol. 12 (2), pp. 66-74 Pettigrew, A. M. , 1987. Context and action in the transformation of the firm. In: Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 24 (6), pp. 649–70 Proehl, R. A. , 2001. Organizational Change in the Human Service s. USA: Sage Publications Ltd. Rainey, D. LA. , 2005. Product Innovation: Leading Change through Integrated Product Development.UK: Cambridge Rayna, T. , Striukova, L. , 2009. 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Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Critical Essay

If the above quote is to be examined, it actually says the opposite of this thesis statement; that art, such as music, theater and the like are expressions of society’s creativity. Ironically, though, it also bolsters it by saying that the personal expression of the artist, although not necessarily a reflection of society’s collective creative process and experience is actually the very basis from which society itself is being drawn into, modified, classified, shaped, molded, awakened, and finally, defined.Art after all, beginning from the artist’s own personal creativity, was created due to the artists reaction to, or personal reflection of a stimulus that came from his dealings and living in his environment and society; coming full circle when society shares and identifies with the artist’s own significant human experience.History is replete with artistic expressions of a group of people’s own intrinsic expressions of individuality and affinity am ong the members of the same group or community. This is in tune with the artist’s search for a sounding board within the society, and thus, shaping and reforming his own society.Art, being larger than the life that it supposedly mirrors does not only remain confined within the artist’s personal sphere. It seeks far wider audience, even beyond the community or society. It seeks the world to find a collectivity with the universal human experience.Folk art is one among the many forms where art is being elevated as a voice of a society, a generation or a community. Here it ceases to be a mere personal expression of the artistbut becomes a societal expression of creativity and significance. Art also functions as a chronicle of the human spirit, as well as the development of society as a whole. The songs, dances, poetry, paintings and other artistic expression serve as testament to the development of society.A society’s greatness, or otherwise is reflected in the art forms and expressions that would surface during one given time. It goes without saying therefore that a study of art would reveal much of a society’s soul. It is imperative therefore that art should be studied, understood, encouraged, cultivated and empowered.The clearest and most direct way to attain this of course is to go back to the source and soul of art; the artist and his interaction with life and the world he lives in. If art is to be cultivated, then we must create an environment that would be conducive and supportive of the artist. We must awaken the sense of artistry and the zest for artistic expression in every one of us, so that we will stand as chroniclers each, of the society we live in at our given present time.Let it flourish and be a collective expression that would stand time and in the process, enrich the future with a ready reference that would mirror our present society, and in effect serve as lessons for the future generations. Such is the irony of art that Johann Wolfgang Goethe once said there is no surer method of evading the world than by following Art, and no surer method of linking oneself to it than by Art. (Goethe, 1749)Such is the paradox that is art; one that is a personal expression but then again – art (and science) belong to the whole world, and before them vanish the border of nationality, (Goethe, 1749) as a matter of fact. The famous Latin expression says everything, after all; Vita Brevis, Ars Longa. Life is short, Art is songReferencesMiller, H. (n.d.). Henry Miller. Retrieved February 22, 2009, from Von Goethe, J. (2008). Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Retrieved February 22, 2009, from

Friday, November 8, 2019

Outline Note Taking. Make Studying Easier

Outline Note Taking. Make Studying Easier It’s easy to reach information-overload at college, especially when the professor talks too fast, or when you are doing final preparations for an exam. To make things tougher your brain needs time to file the information for remembering later. This all adds up to the need to organize the data right from the beginning. Outline note taking is one way to achieve this. Look Through a Practical Example Let’s assume you would like to summarize â€Å"outline note taking† as a possible examination question, in which case you might set it out in layers like this. Notice the main thoughts are down the left hand margin, with the lowest levels at the far right. Let’s use the same outline for the rest of this blog to help you get a feel and cement your understanding. Introduction to Outline Note Taking Outline note taking is a study method that uses an outline to logically structure a block of information, and make the details easier to retrieve from memory later. The data could come from a lecture, a tutorial, a textbook, or your own ideas as you get to grip with a topic. Making summary notes is as old as written history, for example the hieroglyphics on Inca and Egyptian pyramid walls. The ancients did not have space to write everything down so they created symbols for the key concepts. Outline note taking at college has a related purpose. There is so much information coming out of class you don’t have time to write it down. If you did, how would you find it in a box full of notebooks and scraps of paper? It makes so much more sense to jot down the teacher’s thoughts in a logical set of headings. That way, you can concentrate on what they are saying. Outline note taking is also a great way to summarize a chapter in a textbook so you get to see the bigger picture, and understand the overall message. How This Method Works Use a pencil and have an eraser handy because you are going to make changes throughout the process. You need to separate the main topic from the lower order ones. This is not always as easy as it seems. For example, the lecturer’s thinking may not be logical from your perspective, or the textbook chapter not directly related to your major. Most students put the key thoughts on the left and the minor ones to the right. This is entirely a matter of choice and you can do this the other way around or from top to bottom if you like. Whichever way you go it is important to use a separator between the words and phrases, so you know where one ends and the next one begins. I used a grid. Bullets, numbers, highlighter colors are equally good. Practical Application of Outline Note Taking Capturing key thoughts in the appropriate boxes is the secret to outline note taking that works. For example, if your teacher says, â€Å"Today we are going to discuss the political implications of the Civil War† you could outline it this way: There are no model answers. What works for you is right. As long as you are flexible, are not hogtied to an early idea and keep that eraser handy, you will do fine and get your mind around outline note taking soon. The words in the titles are incredibly important because they trigger your memory later of the details you are summarizing. If you are a history student, then ‘U.S. Civil War’ could be advisable. Which do you think is best: consequences, penalties or implications? This is not just semantics. Outline note taking is about words and their meanings. You may find it helpful to use ‘cue words’ as further memory triggers where the outline titles are broad. Here’s a worked example to illustrate what we mean. Again, these are just loose thoughts. Do you remember the definition earlier? Outline note taking is a study method that uses an outline to logically structure a block of information, and make the details easier to remember later. So next time you do your homework, try taking notes the outline way. See for yourself how useful that will be.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Foreign Intervention in Latin America

Foreign Intervention in Latin America Foreign Intervention in Latin America: One of the recurring themes of The History of Latin America is that of foreign intervention. Like Africa, India and the Middle East, Latin America has a long history of meddling by foreign powers, all of them European and North American. These interventions have profoundly shaped the character and history of the region. Here are some of the more important ones: The Conquest: The conquest of the Americas is probably the greatest act of foreign intervention in history. Between 1492 and 1550 or so when most native dominions were brought under foreign control, millions died, entire peoples and cultures were wiped out, and the wealth gained in the New World propelled Spain and Portugal into golden ages. Within 100 years of Columbus First Voyage, most of the New World was under the heel of these two European powers. The Age of Piracy: With Spain and Portugal flaunting their newfound wealth in Europe, other countries wanted to get in on the action. In particular, the English, French and Dutch all tried to capture valuable Spanish colonies and loot for themselves. During times of war, pirates were given official license to attack foreign ships and rob them: these men were called privateers. The Age of Piracy left profound marks in the Caribbean and coastal ports all over the New World. The Monroe Doctrine : In 1823, American President James Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine, which basically was a warning to Europe to stay out of the western hemisphere. Although the Monroe Doctrine did, in fact, keep Europe at bay, it also opened the doors for American intervention in the business of its smaller neighbors. French Intervention in Mexico: After the disastrous â€Å"Reform War† of 1857 to 1861, Mexico could not afford to pay off its foreign debts. France, Britain and Spain all sent forces to collect, but some frantic negotiating resulted in the British and Spanish recalling their troops. The French, however, stayed, and captured Mexico City. The famous Battle of Puebla, remembered on May 5, took place at this time. The French found a nobleman, Maximilian of Austria, and made him Emperor of Mexico in 1863. In 1867, Mexican forces loyal to President Benito Jurez re-took the city and executed Maximilian. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine: Due in part to the French intervention and also to a German incursion into Venezuela in 1901-1902, US President Theodore Roosevelt took the Monroe doctrine one step further. Basically, he reiterated the warning to European powers to keep out, but also said that the United States would be responsible for all of Latin America. This often resulted in the United States sending troops to countries that could not afford to pay their debts, such as Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, all of which were at least partially occupied by the US between 1906 and 1934. Halting the Spread of Communism: When fear of spreading communism gripped the United States after World War II, it would often intervene in Latin America in favor of conservative dictators. One famous example took place in Guatemala in 1954, when the CIA ousted leftist president Jacobo Arbenz from power for threatening to nationalize some lands held by the United Fruit Company, which was owned by Americans. The CIA would later attempt to assassinate Cuban communist leader Fidel Castro in addition to mounting the infamous Bay of Pigs invasion. There are many more examples, too numerous to list here. The US and Haiti: The USA and Haiti have a complicated relationship dating back to the time both were colonies of England and France respectively. Haiti has always been a troubled nation, vulnerable to manipulation by the powerful country not far to the north. From 1915 to 1934 the USA occupied Haiti, fearing political unrest. The United States has sent forces to Haiti as recently as 2004 with the purpose of stabilizing the volatile nation after a contested election. Lately, the relationship has improved, with the USA sending humanitarian aid to Haiti after the destructive 2010 earthquake. Foreign Intervention in Latin America Today: Times have changed, but foreign powers are still very active in meddling in the affairs of Latin America. France still owns a colony (French Guyana) on mainland South America and the United States and Britain still control islands in the Caribbean. The United States has sent forces to Haiti as recently as 2004 with the purpose of stabilizing the volatile nation after a contested election. Many people believed that the CIA was actively trying to undermine the government of Hugo Chvez in Venezuela: Chvez himself certainly thought so. Latin Americans resent being bullied by foreign powers: it is their defiance of the United States that has made folk heroes out of Chvez and Castro. Unless Latin America gains considerable economic, political and military might, however, things do not look to change much in the short term.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

300 (2006) Movie Critical Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

300 (2006) Movie Critical Review - Essay Example For ten days, Leonidas and his valiant men fight against the Persians. The Greek Ephialtes, however, defects to Xerxes and reveals a separate path through Thermopylae, which the Persians used to defeat the Greeks. Queen Gorgo (Lena Headey) successful persuades the Council to send reinforcement to Leonidas, but it is too late. Leonidas and all his men perished. Nevertheless, the battle continues, since Dilios leads a larger Greek army against the Persian army and launches the Battle of Plataea. The film has not precisely depicted some of the causes of the Battle, beliefs and attitudes, technology, dress, events, characters and speech of the time, as it turned a historical fact into a romantic myth that emphasizes the inaccurate dichotomy between the â€Å"evil† Asians and the â€Å"good† white race. The film did not accurately depict the causes of the Battle at Thermopylae and severely dichotomized historical characters, although the Battle itself is not fictitious. The Battle of Themopylae truly occurred, which Herodotus and other ancient writers described. The film shows that Leonidas fought for freedom and independence of not only Sparta, but the whole of Greece, though this is a simplistic reason for his motivation, according to Eugene N. Borza, professor emeritus of ancient history at Pennsylvania State University. It was still unclear why the Persians charged to Thermopylae, so it is hard to answer why the Greeks prepared to go to war with the former at Thermopylae. The film also no longer explores the â€Å"complex issues faced by the Greek city-states confronting the Persian advance† (Borza). Nevertheless, the Spartans did courageously stand against the Persians and all of them died there, except those who defected to the Persians and deserted the Spartan army. Their last stand, as a result, has been subjected to numerous various interpretations, to which the film â€Å"300† also belongs. Furthermore, the film has depicted a r ather stereotyped dichotomy between Asians and whites. The Asians, specifically Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), are illustrated as the â€Å"embodiment of evil and mindless tyranny, as opposed to the Spartans who represent freedom and justice† (Borza). The black and white division between the Asians and the Greeks perpetuate Orientalism and not the real facts about the Persians as people and their leaders. The film does not capture the actual figures of the historical event, but it did highlight some factual military strategies. Leonidas did not have only 300 soldiers with him, because according to Herodotus, the â€Å"Father of History,† he also brought thousands other Greeks and slaves. Borza stresses that it is â€Å"ludicrous to suggest† that an experienced Spartan general like Leonidas would think that 300 men would suffice against tens or even hundreds of thousands of enemies. That thinking would border both hubris and stupidity. Borza asserts that the Spartan s tand at Thermopylae consisted of â€Å"a force of perhaps six to seven thousand Greeks.† Moreover, the location of Thermopylae was strategic, because â€Å"the Persians would be unable to take advantage of their massive preponderance in numbers; instead, they would have to face the Greeks in close-quarter, hand-to-hand combat† (Frye 39). Also, the casualties to the Asians were high, because the Greeks fought well and hard too (Borza). â€Å"300† specifically capitalizes on close-up and medium shots of the battle with spurting blood and flinging, cut-off body parts that would have happened in a real hand-to-hand battle. Thus, the location enhanced the strategy of the Greeks against the Persians, while Snyder ensures hardcore action battle scenes with graphic shots and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Educational Linguistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Educational Linguistics - Essay Example The Spartans of Greeks uses the education for military and discipline purposes to make every citizen invincible in war and to develop conformity and obedience. They have physical and military education, moral training, very little intellectual trainings, music, gymnastic and vocational education. All financing was shouldered by the State. The most that we can emulate from the Spartans is the military education and the development of patriotism and discipline. The Athenians are the greatest lawmakers of all time. They use education for creating good citizens, individual excellences and many-sided development. There is civic and moral trainings, physical and intellectual education and arts. This early Athenians have contributed the free development of all human capacities and the Olympic Games. The Later Athenians came by the Sophist, pragmatic and utilitarian, also by Socrates, as education is used for the development of the power of thinking, by Plato, to control by intellectual rulers and by Aristotle, as education is used for rational living. They have moral and professional, vocational, domestic and intellectual trainings, physical, military and civic trainings, aesthetic and cultural education, sports and games. We learned from them, the Socratic method of teaching, the realm of philosophy of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and others. Also the Euclidean geometry and the arts and classical literature. The Romans are also part of the stem of education. Education was for practical purposes, in which it is use to produce men who would be active and efficient in daily life. Also in moral, military, civic and political and religious also for oratorical or in public speaking. They need speech trainings literacy and vocational education. The outstanding contribution of them is the methods of organization, management and administrations. The Early Christians also used education during their times like in learning their relationship with God. Also for their salvation and social relations which are based on love. They use the lecture method in teaching, dialectic or the question and answer method) Aphorism, parable method and figures of speech. They contributed to humanity is the Christianity . The education we have now is the product of the long processes and progressions that happened on the past time. The traditional Education's foundation, that starts from the primitive people, in which the education aims to survival and security from the natural phenomena and from the wild animals and the believed evil spirits, hunger and from other tribes. There is no classrooms intended for studies, their agencies of education is the home and their environment. There is no organization of grades also. All instruction was than informally, enculturation. They learn from observation and imitation, from simple telling and demonstration and also from participation.